Monday, April 27, 2015

W is for Weighing In

R.a.n.t. for day of 04/27/15
I've talked about J is for Junk food and E is for Exercise in previous rants. Today is 'Weighing In. It's the result of how I did keeping both of those two in mind. I'm currently following Weight Watchers because I need to lose weight. I dread Monday's, because it's weigh-in day. I know it's going to be bad if I had more of J and not enough E.

Sometimes, like this past week, I feel I did poorly. I didn't go to the gym and had doughnuts for breakfast yesterday. My son was visiting, so I took him to the store and let him pick whatever he wanted for breakfast. Sometimes, I try to convince myself into not going. Maybe if I do better this week, how bad I ate won't show up on the scale.

Ironically, I have to be careful when I have a good week. Those weeks I tend to get cocky, I start slacking in my workouts, don't watch what I eat so carefully, and convince myself I deserve it for working so hard. But, I've lost 40 pounds so far, so I'm in the right directing. I need to remember to stay away from emotional eating. 

So now I'm worried and trying to talk myself into getting to my Weight Watcher meeting and admit to myself it'll be bad, then work from there to get back on track. I just need a little motivation, and I can do it. Maybe Motivation should be my M. Or did I do M already?

Some questions for discussion:
Where do you get your motivation from?
How do you distract yourself form emotional eating?
Have you ever followed Weight Watchers or a similar weight loss program?


  1. Forty pounds down - keep at it! Even if the weigh-ins are no fun.

  2. Forty pounds down is awesome! I'm rooting for you! :)

  3. Drink still water instead of eating, It doesn't sound like much of a plan but they say water cures!

    1. Maybe it'll work. But doesn't sound very fun. :)

  4. Hi Jeffrey - well done I'd say ... take it slowly and surely .. and yes drink water instead of something to snack on, or fruit ... water is fun (for me) .. but it's so good for us and we need plenty of it .. I'm sure you'd come to feel better with more of it ...?? Cheers Hilary

    1. I do drink lots of water and eat fruits regularly. It's what I eat for dinner that can get me in trouble.

  5. I remember weigh-in days. You'd stress so much about that number...but it was way too easy to get caught up in the week to week of things and forget the bigger picture, which is the amount of weight you lose over time.

    1. So true, one little thing can make you lose focus. And it is hard to see it one a weekly basis, but those pounds do indeed add up.

  6. Hello there.
    There was a point in my life when I was under a lot of emotional and financial distress and terribly overweight. I tried numerous diet plans, always failing after a few weeks. I did like Weight Watchers at first, but weigh-in used to bring me out in tears. I can't think of anything more humiliating than having to be weighed in front of a whole bunch of people, some of them too skinny to even understand being fat, then having to sit and talk about your weight with said ones. I did see a nutritionist who taught me about portion control and how to read food labels. It's all about setting yourself realistic goals and not beating yourself up if you fail to meet your expectations. Even though I'm not dieting now, I do watch what I eat, but I don't deprive myself either. That just makes my craving worse. Occasionally, I will eat a tub of my favourite vanilla ice cream (lol) or a bag of mini Twix!

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. I LOVE Twix, one of my favourite candies. I actually did good on weight watchers, but we never had to worry about weighing in. It has always been done in private. I admit, I lost the most when my sister went with me for support. I lost over 7 stone at one point.
