Monday, April 20, 2015

Q is for Quantum Physics

R.a.n.t. of day 04/20/15
This is one of those things I have very little or no knowledge of. It's a scientific term, I know, and some of my favourite scientists have dabbled in this field. (See my Einstein mug HERE, or my 'Schrödinger's Cat' poem HERE for further proof I do have favourites). My problem is I really don't know what this scientific field is all about or it's usefulness. And that bothers me, mostly because I like to think of myself as intelligent. So to know there is something out there I don't understand, is frustrating.

Quantum Physics isn't the only thing I don't understand obviously, but the point is, when I come across something I don't understand it makes me uncomfortable. Why can't I figure it out? Why, even when I read a paragraph describing what it's about, do I either fall asleep half way through, or zone out? Unlike Will Smith's solution to the problem, I will have to come to grips there are things in this world I will never understand. Women; decaffeinated coffee; drivers who speed around you on the right then get in front of you only to stop and make a left hand turn at the next block. Now I will add quantum physics to the list.

I'd complain more on this subject, but I'm getting brain tired thinking about it. I need a nap.

Some questions for discussion:
What are your thoughts on quantum physics?
Do you believe little Tiffany deserved to die? (See video below).
What things do you have problems understanding?


  1. I don't understand quantum physics either. The only science I understand is earth and space science. This made me think of something though...did you ever watch the show Quantum Leap?

    I had to laugh at the "Women; decaffeinated coffee" comment.. I love coffee but the caffeine doesn't do me good, so decaf it is! :)

    1. I have seen Quantum Leap and I was thinking on finding something about that to rant about for Q. But I have another TV show up for ranting later on. I'll my TV rant for that.

  2. I don't "science" very well. If I applied myself, I could. I took chemistry twice and hated it both times (don't ask, long story!) I'm not sure Tiffany deserved to die, but I agree with Will that she was about to start something. What 8yo reads Quantum Physics?

    1. I have to admit, that's one of my favourite scenes from Men In Black. I suppose if I really applied myself, I'd finally get Quantum Physics. There is just so many other things I'm trying to learn.

  3. This ought to clear things ups. From Wikipedia.

    "Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a fundamental branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant."

    Understand now? :)

    1. I think my brain just melted.
      Thanks for sharing. LOL

  4. Must analyse.....quantum physics does not compute....Error, Error, sparks flying..... must analyse, running necessary diagnostic programes, OMG I am imperfect!!! LOL! I must sterilize...Error!

    1. Yep, kinda sounds like my brain as I was preparing this r.a.n.t.

  5. I actually like quantum mechanics. Not that I presume to understand it. You're totally right: it makes the brain ache. But the concepts are intriguing to them. My dystopian series is based on quantum physics concepts, so I have fun with it. :D

    1. Sounds interesting. I may have to check that out and see how you work that in.

  6. Ha ha! Too funny. My brain doesn't take in Quantum physics or mechanics or anything quantum like that, maybe a leap? Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. Next year, Quantum Leap will be my Q word for sure.

  7. Visiting from A/Z :) I don't understand quantum physics myself or simple directions to put together furniture LOL :)


  8. I'm so glad you're in the same boat with me this time!

    1. And we don't need to know Quantum Physics to build that boat either.

  9. Some things we don't understand but we also don't want to understand, either.

  10. Hello there.
    I never liked science, biology or physics when I was in school. I prefer to keep things simplified.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. Science doesn't scare me so much. It's always neat to see how things work.
