Monday, September 19, 2016

Blog Hiatus & Return

R.a.n.t. of month September, 2016
It's time I let everyone know what's been going on. As most of my regular readers are aware, I love to write. But I have also not been around. I feel awful for this because a few have have shown concern and inquired how I'm doing, yet I have failed to respond. I sincerely apologize and shall endeavour to correct this. 

Please note: I'm not saying I don't want to reply, but I have failed in doing so, nonetheless. The failure was hinted in my last post. The 'technical difficulties' post. But the technical difficulties have mostly been in my head. I've been having a major bought of depression for the past few weeks (almost months). I've been dealing with a few things, (perhaps not major), but combined, they have taken a surprising toll on me. I have lost the motivation to do what I most naturally enjoy; writing, photography, language studies, spending time online, going out with friends, etc. etc. Quite a few days have involved me going to work, then heading home after and vegging out or going directly to bed.

But I've been starting to work on this. In fact, this weekend is the first I've actually tried to do something to correct this. I have started to de-clutter the closets in my apartment and I am currently in the middle of re-organizing the rooms. It can be so therapeutic, and I'm expecting some good results. Once again, I apologize for not getting back to those who have reached out to me. I shall be doing so today. My goal is to get back on track by the beginning of next month. I want to get back into my blog hops, if I'm still welcome. Thanks again to everyone for the concerns. Please bear with me, I shall be back.


  1. Hi, Jeffrey!

    I'm sorry to learn that you've a had a tough go of it lately. It happens to all of us, I assure you. Getting organized and de-cluttering your life can help tremendously. You will most certainly be welcome to rejoin the hops. I'll be thinking about you, good buddy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I apologize for being gone for so long. I am working on coming back full time. I miss my writing and blogging and my writing and blogging buddies.

  2. Hi Jeffrey - it's not easy ... but having a clean slate looks like it will help - I know I feel better if everything is organised and neat and clean(ish) ... take care - do what you need to do - don't worry about us ... the blogging world will be here for its friends - all the very best - Hilary

    1. Much appreciated. Simplifying and a change of décor can do wonders for a person. That's what I'm aiming for.

  3. Jeffrey!
    Depression is a serious thing and when you start to pull away from people and the things you enjoy, you know it's time to do something about it. Decluttering sounds like a good idea - it's like a fresh start.

    1. It is indeed, a good thing. I'm starting to feel a little less stressed. We will always have problems, but at times they seem to pile on top of each other. Changing the décor helps change a persons demeanour, which helps give fresh perspective to dealing with problems.


  5. So happy to see a post from you Jeffrey! Thanks for checking in with us. We're all here for you. Clearing and decluttering is a great step to get back on track. I need to do the same. You're an inspiration!
    I'm just so glad to see you here! Welcome back!
    All the best,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I'm hoping to post again in October.

  6. Depression is no laughing matter...and I know someone famous said this but I can't remember. I also believe that we tend to minimize the amount of stress we are under. We think we are not entitled to feel stressed or depressed when we hear about other people's lives. It is the worst thing to compare and it is the worst thing to minimize our genuine feelings. You have been hurting and that saddens me because even though, I don't know you, but you seem to be a genuine good person who needs a little TLC. I a, glad you are de cluttering because it is a great start. Writing her is a great start and I know you will always be welcome and can't wait for your next BOTB if you decide to pick it up again. Hugs

    1. I will be getting back to the BOTB, but I may be cutting back to one a month. I'll see how it goes. Thanks for understanding. And yes, you are correct. It can be so easy to minimize our own stress.

  7. Hang in there my friend and welcome back. I know you've heard people say take a step at a time. Do just that. Even if they have to be tiny steps, walk tiny steps. I am think of you over here in Germany. It good to have you back.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Sometimes little steps are all you can take. But, every advancement takes you forward. Right?
      Thanks for the thoughts.

  8. I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time, Jeffrey. It's good to hear from you, though. De-cluttering is a great exercise and will hopefully give you some satisfaction. Hang in there! One day at a time.

    1. As long as I can keep myself motivated, I think I shall accomplish and succeed. From there, it's enduring the coming Winter. All the change and de-clutter should help.

  9. I'm glad to see something from you, but I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through. I've suffered from depression off and on. This past week I've been sick and before that I was dealing with family drama that made my depression worse. Just the fact that you want to get back to where you were says a lot. We're rooting for you!

    1. Thanks Chrys. I'm hoping by the next few weeks I'll be back in the full swing of things.

  10. I'm glad to see you're pulling back out of it, JEFFY. We've missed you at BOTB.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. I'll be back. But I may cut back to once a month, if that's going to be okay.

    2. Sure. Whatever you need to do; whatever works for you. Just don't cut back to once a year or I'll start calling you "Santa Claus".

      ~ D-FensDogG

    3. I promise to post more than once a year.

  11. Are you kidding? Of course we want to see you back at it again :-) Sometimes change does a person good, as in taking a break when we need to. Spring cleaning - anytime of year - is so rejuvenating! Once I clean off my desk I can't wait to sit down and write. I actually cleaned out a closet myself the other day and found a lot of cool stuff I didn't know I was missing ;-) Feel better, Jeffrey.

    1. I'm looking forward to getting back to my writing. I'm also looking forward to getting back to more de-cluttering. As I've been going from room to room, I'm starting to pull out what I have not used in over a year. Then I'm going to decide if it goes to Goodwill, the Trash or the Basement. Which sounds like a good r.a.n.t. article, which I'd also like to get back to, as this entry hints at.

  12. JEFFY, are you thinking / planning to join us again for the October 1st BOTB contests?

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Yes, I'm going to put together a BOTB for the 1st, I also want to do one on the 15th, from then on, I'm going to try and do the second BOTB each month. So I can once again focus on some writing.

    2. Sounds like a good plan, JEFFY.
      On my October 1st BOTB installment I'll make a special point to let everyone know that you're back and that they should visit your blog's 10/1 Battle. Just in case anyone has fallen too far out of the habit of checking in here.

      Very happy to have you back... and especially since the last Battle you posted was so dang good and clever. Ha! You post perhaps your best Battle ever and then... disappear. Good way to drum up interest in your long-awaited return, you sly dog! :o)

      ~ Stephen

    3. Perhaps my first battle back should be Carly Simon's 'Anticipation'. LOL

  13. Jeffrey, I am normally a pretty happy person but this past year is a trying on with DH out of work. So, I can sorta relate to your issues of depression. While I don't consider myself "depressed" I do have big mood swings where I lose interest in all things. Like you, I hope to find inner mojo beginning this weekend, too. I figured you had some things going on in your life and I knew with time you'd come around. I'm glad you're back in Blogosphere. Maybe, until you find yourself again you can share things here to lift your mood. It seems there are lots of folks who might benefit from it which in turn helps you, too. Anywho, you're in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend. Have an awesome weekend! :)

    1. I think we all feel depressed at one time or another. The big thing is how we deal with it. You are so right, there are so many blogging buddies who are supportive and help encourage us. I, for one, find everyone who stops by a big help. And I find the support system that's needed. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts as well. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  14. I can understand what you're going through. I have a blogging buddy that due to personal issues has not been online for over a month. I do check in with her from time to time (and vice versa) just to make sure that she's alright.

    As I'm always fond of saying, "You'll get back to us when you get back to us, and until then, we'll leave the light on for ya."

    On a serious note, if you got some issues beyond your ability to deal with (and who hasn't), you can always check with local info line (for my state, it's 211) to see what kind of help they can direct you towards.

    Father Nature's Corner
