Monday, March 14, 2016

Doctor Who?

R.a.n.t. for month of March, 2016
Firstly, I apologize for getting this r.a.n.t. out late today. However, there is a good reason for it. I'm still feeling a little under the weather. I've had a nagging cough for two weeks now and all my OTC and home remedies do not seem to be working. My sisters are urging me to head into the doctors office to get it checked out. Unfortunately, I've always been reluctant to do so. Doctors always seem to simply tell me to wait it out and send me on my way. So I'm out half a day pay and my HSA dips about 100 bucks or so.

Then there is the other problem. About ten years ago, I kind of had a family doctor. He has since retired and I've never really picked a new family doctor. Should I be doing that? I'm really not sure. Maybe I don't need to do that any more. Perhaps all I need to do is show up at the clinic and ask to see anyone. To be honest, I'm not even sure how that really works. As I said, probably part of the reason I've been reluctant to go. My awkwardness around other people makes me nervous to call, or stop in. But, that's another rant for another time.

Additional Questions
Do you have a family doctor?
When you are not feeling well, how long do you wait before getting check out?
Should we immediately trust whatever a doctor tells us to do?

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* R.a.n.t. - an acronym for 'Rage About Nothing, Typically'. It's writing about life's little nuances that are, (for the most part), trivial. Something we can all relate to. Do you have something that irritates you? Would you like to r.a.n.t. about it?

Of course you would! Join the monthly R.a.n.t. blog hop today.

When will we be ranting?
The second Monday of each month.

How long should my r.a.n.t. be?
The length is up to you, I find one or two short paragraphs enough to quench my rage.

How do I join?
Let me know you are interested. To the right, you'll notice a banner you can proudly use on your site. Link back to this blog and I'll be linking to yours.

Who has joined?
Write With Fey

What should I r.a.n.t. about?
Whatever you feel irate about. Preferably, something that's been bugging you.
Examples: Your writing - the supermarket - annoying people - drivers
The sky is the limit.
If you need suggestions, check out my r.a.n.t.archive below.


  1. You could always hit an Urgent Care or something. We finally did settle on a family doctor since my insurance covers one free physical a year.

    1. Yea, that's something else I should probably do. I'm so stubborn, it's hard to motivate myself to take time out and do those sorts of things.

  2. I'm of the opinion that a Primary Care Doctor is an excellent idea. It can take a long time to find one that you really like. The first one I really liked was a D.O. They tend to think outside the box first. Mine was licensed to do acupuncture and often looked to vitamins or herbs before prescribing something. That said, if I was sick and needed an antibiotic, she's prescribe that. My current doctor is an MD who specializes in nutrition. She also is a big believer in non-western medicine. Those doctors aren't the easiest to find, but I think you'll appreciate having one. PLUS, it's good to have a PCD who is familiar with YOU. You won't get that at at Urgent Care.

    1. Yea, I don't like to take a lot of medicine. That is, prescription medicine. I seem to take a lot of OTC, which I guess is probably just as bad. I also think I should be taking more vitamins, something I tend to forget about doing.

  3. Hi, Jeffrey; Please get yourself to the clinic! I felt the same way as you about illness and ended up in the hospital for nine days with severe pneumonia. If your condition hasn't improved by now, you should get some medical help, for sure. ~~Lecture over~~ ☺ I've always had a family doctor and think it's a good idea. Your health records are all in place and there's consistency. Many people don't have one though and seem to do okay with clinic visits. Certainly better than nothing. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Well, sometimes you need a good lecture. My sisters were all about that yesterday.
      Thanks for your input today.

  4. Sorry you've been sick! I also dislike it when I have to see a doctor. They never seem to understand me or treat me like I'm dumb. I've had so many rude doctors treat me. But my family doctor is great. She was assigned to me at my clinic years ago and I've gone to her ever since.

    1. EXACTLY! I never seem to get the doctor who is willing to listen.
      Me: "Doc, it hurts when I do this."
      Doctor: "Then don't do that."

  5. Feeling sick is the pits! I have a reg M.D. and a chiropractor. They take care of everything... check your insurance... they can usually recommend doctors in your area.

    I have a tendency to wait a little too long, myself, and I end up paying a higher price too... as in, feeling worse.

    Best of luck!

    1. It's like I wait just long enough to start feeling better, then I convince myself not to go. Then it seems to hit again. That's my problem. Why am I so stubborn?

    2. Why? That's a good question. I've no clue. Denial?

    3. Probably more lazy than denial. LOL
      And no ones pushing me, so it's easier to head home after work on curl up in bed and hope I feel better in the morning.

  6. Hey Jeff sorry to hear about the down time, I hope the warp coils spring back into action soon. Speaking of action, speak to the pharmacist and try everything out. Difflam spray is great for a sore throat and mouth, Tyrozets works wonders for agonizing toothaches and strepcills are good for stopping a crook throat if you catch it early enough.

    1. Some good advice. I usually use a Chloraseptic spray for a sore throat, but for this cough, nothing seems to be working.

      And here I thought you were going to reply with,
      "I'm a blogger not a Doctor."

  7. The thing with family doctors is that you rarely see them these days. I have a general doctor, but when I go in, it's always a last-minute thing and they make you see a nurse practitioner. Which is fine, but it's always someone new. I've heard that many doctors don't want to generalize anymore because the money is in specialization. Telemedicine is the future--you'll be able to call up a doctor and get a diagnosis and prescription by's being discussed in state medical board hearings all across the country right now--they're trying to grasp how to regulate it properly and avoid doctors from practicing across state lines that way.

    1. I think Brian Regan once said, "the sign of a good doctor, is when you can't get in to see him. Yea, that's a great doctor. Do you happen to know any so-so doctors? With like, bandages and stuff? Who can help me as I bleed profusely, on a day that is this?"

      Wow, the video thing, though would be easier for me, sounds like it could get very complicated and difficult to handle. I can understand about wanting to specialize though. Makes a kind of bit of sense.

  8. I don't like anyone checking my ears for bugs any more than I do my teeth for cavities. But I DO want to see the same one every time. Even the Nurse gets to know me after awhile. I know, I get the "You haven't been in since..." and my thought is "Yeah, I haven't needed you, but now I do. So fix me." Point is, nothing replaces the human touch when you need to feel better.

    1. So true. And yes, I don't see the point of running to the doctor for every sniffle I get. Just doesn't make sense. But, like you, I guess every once in a while, you have to venture in. For me, it's just trying to determine when I've suffered enough.

  9. Hi Jeffrey - I think you should get yourself checked out - especially as it's worrying you enough to write about it!?! Also they could help you ... and with common sense you'll know when you need one - like now. I rarely go to the doc - but they can help get you through at times, when you don't understand your own body.

    Take care and get some advice and I hope some help ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks for the interest and reminder to check in with the doctor.
