Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Battle of the Bands - Every Breath You Take

I've been fighting a cold for the past few weeks. What started as a flu, morphed into a sore throat. This past weekend, it's changed once again. It has now moved into it's (I hope), final stage of a wheezing, hacking cough. This means it's been increasingly difficult for me to breath. Each breath is hard because it triggers a fit of coughs. I've been trying to self-medicate with such things as cough drops, cough suppressants and Muchinex, but to no avail. I'm told I should see the Doctor, but I'm stubborn. Yes, I'm stubborn, even though I can barely breath, let alone sing.

Speaking of singing, It's time once again for another Battle of the Bands. Since I've been having such a hard time breathing, I thought this would be the perfect song to utilize. Yes, I know the song is more about a stalker, and less about difficulties in breathing, but I think you get the point.

How does this work? Listen to the two cover artists below and in the comments, tell me which of the two you most enjoy. Keep in mind, 'the Police' can not be your vote. We are looking to see which cover artists you most enjoy.


The two musical contenders for this Battle of the Bands are below.
Please listen to both and tell me which you like best.

Andy Williams

Gloria Gaynor

Those are the two contenders. Ignoring the actual videos, who do you think performs the song best? I collected the two bands to battle it out, now it's your job to vote on your favourite. Please list your preferred song choice in the comments. Additionally, let me know why you feel the way you do. Voting ends on the 15th when I'll cast my vote and announce the winner in a separate posting.

Additional Questions:
Is there something you are stubborn about doing?
What is your #1 cold remedy?
Do you have a favourite Sting/Police song?

If you enjoyed this Battle of the Bands feature, don't forget to visit the other participants in the Battle of the Band to see what sort of music they are featuring. You will certainly be entertained, so click on their links below.


Are you currently in the BOTB and don't see your name in the list above? Let me know in comments and I'll include it.


  1. The only issue I have with colds is that I usually get them on the weekends, never during the week. As for things I'm stubborn about, I'm not a fan of doing family extra-curricular activities. Hate them with a passion.

    My favorite Sting song is "Love Is A Seventh Wave."
    My favorite Police song is "Ghost In The Machine."

    Father Nature's Corner

    1. This past week, I got sick during the week. Which is just as bad for me. I had to take two days off of work, and I don't get sick days.

      Were you partial to either of the two songs above?

  2. Spicy food always clears my sinuses.
    Gloria Gaynor did something really different with the song but I'm not sure it worked. My vote goes to the first one.

  3. Ohhh, the very best of andy Williams, I miss hearing his song. Glad this song remind me to breath. I love his song and pretty good voice, it is remind me of Alan Jackson. Anyway I like andy Williams.

    1. Yes, good song to remember breath.
      He sound like Alan Jackson. LOL

  4. Hi, Jeffrey!

    I'm sorry you're "poorly." Please don't put off seeing a doctor. Sometimes these things run their course, but other times you need a prescription to knock the bug out of you. One way or another I hope you experience relief soon.

    Forgive me for going a little negative on you today, good buddy. This battle required me to choose between two artists I don't particularly like covering a song I don't particularly like by a band that I don't particularly like. It had me bouncing back and forth between the two contestants trying to find something to hang my hat on.

    I liked the first few singles released by the Police, but I think Sting is overrated. I especially do not like "Every Breath You Take." It is the mother of all stalking songs and it creeps me out. I liked Andy Williams' hits of the 60s, but couldn't help wondering why he chose to record "Every Breath." It reminds me of the time Pat Boone was inspired to release an album of heavy metal covers. Why? The vanilla chorus on the Andy Williams recording did not help the cause. Gloria Gaynor's "Honeybee" was an early disco classic but after that she lost me. I don't get what she was doing on this version of "Every Breath" and again I needed to ask myself why she tackled this type of song in the first place. That bounced me back to Andy Williams and I admit that his vocals were smooth and pleasant and he and the orchestra did a good job with the material. I give my vote to Andy Williams.

    Cold remedy? I think it might benefit you to try my morning elixir. I slice a fresh lemon into wedges and squeeze them into a glass and fill it with water and drink it. It tastes better than you might think and it is good for what ails you.

    My favorite Police single is "Don't Stand So Close."

    I will be very interested to see how this battle turns out, good buddy. Thank you, enjoy your week and feel better, okay?

    1. The spectre of Pat Boone is still with us, I see! ☺

    2. Thanks for the suggestions. I love lemon in water, so I shall give this a chance. Another suggestion recently was to eat a spicy dinner. Which I did. Still have a bit of a cough, we will see if that clears soon enough or I may very well seek out the Doctor.
      Sorry the artists and song choices were not up your alley this time. Perhaps I shall try to compile a new battle next time with bands favoured over at the Shady Del.

    3. If you're taking requests, may I suggest Canadian jazz pianist and singer Diana Krall? If you're not familiar... Google her!

  5. Jeffrey! Please get yourself to the doctor. You're describing similar symptoms to what I had and I ended up in hospital with pneumonia. Just saying....

    Sorry, but I have to agree with Shady about the song choice. Andy Williams' version is so bland. At least Gloria's version has some pizzazz and I always enjoy good sax. ☺ Please give my vote to her.

    Please take good care of yourself! I've been sick for a month and am just getting over it now.

    1. If I don't get better by next week, I will see the Doctor.
      Glad to see you are starting to feel better.
      Yes, I like the sax bit as well. I think Gloria's version has a lot of pizazz as well. I'm currently leaning to her as my vote.

  6. I saw the song you were using and figured this was another Battle in my line-up that I'd have to scrap. But I'm safe with mine as it is nothing at all like yours.

    When I saw Andy Williams as a choice I cringed a bit. I thought, how bad can this be?. Actually I enjoyed it. He had some nice back-up.

    Gloria Gaynor not so much. Her version was a bit campy clubby sounding. I couldn't get into her groove. It was not bad, but not especially my thing.

    I vote for "Mr Moon River" Andy Williams.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. I was surprised by Andy's version as well. Though I do think I enjoyed Gloria's version more than you. In essence, both artists surprised me.

  7. I had no idea that Andy Williams had covered this song, nor did I know about Gloria Gaynor's version. Of the two, I'm going to have to go with Andy Williams. Gloria's spin just didn't work for me.

    Now... how about you start feeling better, eh? When my throat is achy, I like to fill my coffee cup with sweet lemonade - and then put that in the microwave for about 45 to 60 seconds. Something about the warm lemony goodness that makes that throat feel much better.
    If it's your sinuses, go with really spicy food, with a tums chaser.

    Feel better soon.


    1. Great suggestions. I'm not sure it's sinus'. I don't feel the pressure and the spicy food I ate didn't seem to help. But the lemonade sounds like a great thing to try.
      Vote for Andy recorded. :)

  8. Jeffrey - take care of you!

    I'm voting Andy Williams because I love the saxophone in the middle.

    1. As you saw in my last battle, I love saxophone music too. Though I'm not sure it's completely won me over in this song yet.

  9. Jeffrey, sorry to hear you're a bit puny. That's the way things go this time of the year and with allergy season staring at us then none of are totally out of the woods yet. Unfortunately, I don't have any good self-help tips. I'm a rider out person using strictly OTC meds to fight what ails me most of the time. I guess you can say I'm stubborn about seeing a doctor. Of course, sometimes that's the best action to take. I realized this three years ago when I was so sick that I couldn't walk. It turned out I had an acute case of Diverticulitis which required surgery. I shutter to think what the outcome might have been had I not gone to see my Gastroenterologist. I'll say a prayer that you're feeling well soon.

    WOW, you blew out of the water using a Police Every Breath You Take song for two cover artist. I was surprised to see Andy Williams take this song on. It seems so out of character, but like some reflected on thoughts of Pat Boone stepping out of his comfort zone to do heavy metal. That was just crazy. At least Andy Williams didn't go wild man on us, in fact, I liked his cover fine. It's closer to Police's style than Gloria Gaynor. Yeah, her cover is more unique, but like Alex said I'm not sure it worked. I'm giving my vote to Mr. Williams. His vocals are even smooth in the POP number!

    BTW, I'm not sure what my favorite Police song is, but this one is definitely one of them. Great pick to feature in today's battle, though.

    1. Oh wow, I know all about Diverticulitis. My brother-in-law had that a few years back.
      As for the cover artists, I too was surprised and delighted to find two very capable covers of this song. When I saw Andy Williams covered the song, I almost gave it a pass for something else. Glad I gave it a chance.
      I'm looking forward to seeing how this all turns out. I'm hoping for a closer battle, though it's not looking like it will be so.

    2. Things have a way of changing in these battles, but I'm telling you my showdown is weighted to one side by a long way. :)

    3. So true, these battles are always interesting and surprising.

  10. First, the battle. I was surprised to see that Andy Williams covered this song. I had reservations before pressing play. I was surprised. I liked it. He changed it up a bit and the addition of the sax in the middle was very enjoyable. As soon as Gloria Gaynor started I knew this wasn't going to be my cup of tea. The peppy instrumentation combined with her vocals (which somehow seemed way too happy for a song about stalking)... It all just rubbed me wrong. So, my vote goes to Andy Williams on this one.

    What am I stubborn about? Doing things I really don't want to do. OR don't feel equipped to do. Or just feel overwhelmed by. I can be a procrastinator of the highest and worst order. I kinda think you might have some of this going on with your situation.

    Here's the deal, though... if this isn't a cold (and it sounds suspicious to me), the longer you wait the worse the outcome. As Debbie said in her comment: she waited and ended up with pneumonia. As someone who's had that, I can add my worries to Debbie's and say, "You don't want it." Even worse, the symptoms are not getting more mild like this cold is on its way out, but more severe. I think you need to suck it up and make that trip to the doctor.

    I will suggest taking lots of Vitamin C (even if you go to the doctor). In cases of illness, I really like those Ester C packs that you mix with water. They absorb faster and will help your immune system combat what's going on in there. I would also get some Vitamin C (in a capsule preferably) at 1000mg to take on a daily basis. The best way to not get sick is to keep your immune system boosted. That way the little bugs will pass you by.

    1. I certainly see your point about Gloria being too peppy for a song about stalking. It's as if she missed the point of the song.
      Yes, I am stubborn about my cold or whatever it is. I hate going to the Doctor. I would rather buy OTC and wait it out. But listening to everyone's comment, I'm willing to give this cold to the end of the week. If it does not improve, I shall go forth in getting it taken care of.
      Vitamin C is a great suggestion. Something I should have been trying all along I think.
      Thanks for the suggestions.

  11. Hi Jeffrey - not being musical .. I preferred the Andy Williams version ...

    But your cold - well that I can help ... if you need the doc - go ... if you can fight it off ... I go with lots of sleep, or shut down - ie not going out ... and lots and lots of mugs of hot lemon, honey and some spices ... and not much use of this thing - because of your eyes ...

    But for me it's got to be Andy- though I'd hoped I'd enjoy the Gloria version .. not so much ... cheers and get better soon - take care - Hilary

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Hilary, I feel very bad because I've been meaning to get to your blog and read and comment. I was doing just that about a week right when I began to get sick. So I apoligize for not stopping by. I will be correcting that today or tomorrow. I'm just starting to feel better. Not 100%, but better. I like your suggestions. I'm actually infusing a pitcher of water with lemon since last night. I'm going to be drinking nothing but that water for the next few days.

  12. I'm sorry, Gloria Gaynor's version just made me bust out laughing. I've been in a crappy mood all day, so I appreciate the ha-ha's. Needless to say, Andy Williams's version gets my vote, even though he really shouldn't be doing the song, either. Is it just me, or are the lyrics to this one really creepy?

    I'm not much of a Police fan, but I kind of like "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic," and I like Sting's "Englishman in New York," for whatever reason...

    1. It not just you. The song indeed is about a stalker. But a lot of people misinterpret the song to mean something else.

  13. First off, keep the fluids flowing inward, my friend. Replace those electrolytes, take some Tylenol, rest and accept any and all offers of prayer. Flu has hit our house, too. It's miserable for my Gonzo.

    As for your battle, you do well when sick! LOL. SHOCKINGLY, I liked Andy Williams best. To be clear, I never disliked him but when I saw the song, I didn't think he could pull it off.

    Gloria seemed like a shoe-in, but I really didn't care for her version as much.

    I love a surprise! That's a great battle.

    Feel better, friend.

    1. It seems a lot of people have been surprised by Andy Williams version of this song.
      Keeping on the fluids today. I infused a liter of water with lemon yesterday and have been enjoying that today. I'm hoping it helps with the tail end of this cough.

  14. Gloria Gaynor gets my vote. She changed the song up and made it hers.

    1. I was thinking the same. It was so much different I found it enjoyable. Which is what the battle is all about.

  15. I thought I was going to vote for Andy Williams on this one but the more I listened to Gloria Gaynor's version, the more I liked it. I really enjoyed the instrumentation and her upbeat take on the song. So please give my vote to Gloria.
    As for my favorite Sting song: has to be If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free. LOVE LOVE LOVE that song!!!
    Great battle Jeffrey. I do hope you're feeling better by now. Are you??

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Awesome, another vote for Gloria.
      Free, free, set them free.
      Yes, great song!
      I'm not 100% yet, but feeling much better than last week. Thanks for asking.

  16. I'm gonna go with Gloria mainly because it was different. Andy was better than I expected, but he just did his version of the original.

    Yes I'm stubborn about some things, but like you I hate going to the doctor. I've had pneumonia three times in the last nine months, so, needless to say I've gone to the doctor quite a bit during that time. i suggest you suck it up and make an appointment. Those OTC meds often just don't cut it.

    Never been a big fan of Sting/The Police, so at the moment I can't think of anything else they have done.

    1. Hmmm, the tides may be turning on the voting. Glad to see another Gloria vote.

  17. JEFFY ~
    Ordinarily, I like Andy Williams. I know that's supposed to be un-cool but too bad - I go my own way.

    However, I don't feel this song really suited him. It wasn't bad at all, but it kind of bored me.

    But I thought the GLORIA GAYNOR version was terrific. From the super-charged vocals and funky sax to the playful piano, I thought GLORIA's cover was better than Andy's, and better'n the Police original, too.

    As for The Police and their pretentious twit lead singer with the fake Jamaican accent, Sting, NOT a fan! I did buy their first album and saw them live at the Whisky-A-Go-Go on the Sunset Strip, when 'Roxanne' was just starting to get some airplay on the independent, underground radio station. That was probably within weeks of the release of their first LP.

    But I got tired of them pretty quickly. I did own a second album, 'Ghost In The Machine', which I thought was way better'n the debut album, but they just weren't my cup of English tea.

    Good Battle though! Two very, very different versions.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. Somehow I thought you would select Andy. I guess you can never tell with this BOTB, can you?
      I've always liked the Police, well most of their 80's albums anyway. Sting on his own, not much of a fan. Odd how that works out.

  18. I never thought I'd vote for Andy Williams on this song because he doesn't sound sinister, but he's better than Gloria Gaynor, who is too upbeat. I cast my vote for Andy.


    1. I think Gloria's upbeat version works against her.

  19. Hey Jeffrey,
    Just dropped by to let you know that I'm passing on the Music & Words Award nomination to you. You may already be participating through someone else. And of course there is no obligation to participate. I just finished my post and it was actually fun to do. If you're interested, here is the link to my post with the details:


    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Yes, I was nominated. Thank you for thinking of me too.
      I notice in your nominations, you took one I was going to nominate. ;)
      No worries. Will read your post and post my own soon.

  20. My vote goes to Gloria Gaynor. Her version might not have been better, per se, but Andy's version is just too similar to The Police. He didn't need to necessarily turn the song inside out, but he didn't put enough of his own spin on it, IMO.

    Kim (ReInVintaged)

    1. See? That's what I was thinking.
      Like they would say in American Idol, he went the 'safe' route.

  21. I prefer Gloria Gaynor because she put her own take on it and I liked it. her voice is so strong. Have you ever heard on pneumonia? If you are having trouble breathing, get thee to the Dr's! Vicks vapour rub does wonders...not only placing the greasy stuff on your chest in front and back but put some in a sink with hot, hot water, place a towel over you and the sink and inhale. This is an oldie but a good one....cook up potatoes, cut them up a bit on a towel and then place the potatoes on top of your chest. Something about the potatoes sucks out the crap. My great grand mother knew all the herbs and other things to cure major illnesses. She cured my Aunt and Uncle of diphtheria and my mom from Scarlet Fever. Stubborn is my middle name and people have said I should have a cell phone with a monthly plan but I refuse. My flip phone works and it is all I Need.

    1. I may have to try the Vick's approach, I've heard that does work good.
      I have never heard the potato suggestion. I may have to give that a try. If the Vick's doesn't work.
      Aren't grand-mothers suggestions the best?
