Sunday, February 2, 2014

Woodstock Illinois; Groundhog Day Filming Location

A few months ago I thought it would be cool to travel to the city of Woodstock Illinois, filming location for most of the film, Groundhog Day. As you'll see in the photos below, the locales have changed slightly, but will still be most recognizable. Instead of posting the photos once I got back, I decided to wait till today to post the set. The obvious reason being, (It's Groundhog Day)

Though the hole is now filled, the spot where Phil Conners repeatedly stuck his foot into cold, slushy water now has a plaque.

Ned to Phil: "Watch out for that first step, It's a doozy!"

From the centre of the park, you can see where most of the Groundhog Day festivities took place, including the spot where Phil declared there would be six more weeks of winter.

Buster to Punxsutawney: "Sorry folks, six more weeks of Winter."

My favourite scene of the film is when Phil has had enough of Ned and punches his lights out.

Ned to Phil: "Hey, Phil Conner!"
Phil to Ned: "Ned?!" BAM!

The diner in the film was called the Tip Top Cafe. Phil had many conversations here with various people. After the film was concluded, the cafe continued to exist for a while, but it's now a Mexican restaurant.

Phil to Nancy: "Nancy, Lincoln, Walsh"

You may recognize this as the building Phil decides to jump from. No worries though, he wakes up.....

Phil to Rita: "...without a scratch on me, not a dent in the fender."

Later, Phil has finally gets the day right. His attitude has changed, he likes helping people and he's won the heart of the woman he admires. They dance here for the first time as the snow suddenly starts to fall.

Nat King Cole: ♫ What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in. Why, it's almost like being in love."


  1. A true town - as opposed to a vapid Hollywood set. Interesting.

  2. Oh that's so wrong. I'm not thrilled when I see that a movie has been filmed somewhere other than where it's supposed to take place. But I guess that's what they have to do sometimes. At least it wasn't Toronto standing in for NYC. Or some location in Serbia standing in for a town along the Mexican border in Arizona. It could have been worse.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. I imagine it must be difficult finding just the right place. Especially when filming. Unfortunately, that's the way show biz works. Even films based on actual events take great liberties in the stories. For entertainment purposes, of course.
