Music Review - Bond
As some of you may know, I've been seriously supporting eScala in Britain's Got Talent. As much as I thought they were fairly original it was pointed out to me they are much like Bond. Oddly enough, I've never heard of Bond; not sure if it's predominately a European group or I've just had my head in the sand. At any rate, I was checking out a CD store this weekend (looking for a Blondie double disk with music and dvd's on it) when I accidentally stumbled upon a CD from Bond. If that weren't odd enough, the CD was a double disk, having both music and dvd's of choice songs. Long story short, I bought the CD and have listened to it, I have to admit I love it! A nice twist on instrumental music. Is eScala perhaps too similar? Not entirely sure, but as I like this music, my props for eScala are now doubled. Anyone else think Bond is brilliant?
Bond Website
eScala Website
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Really Getting Flighty
R.a.n.t. of week 05/25/08
I'm not quite sure what's going on but lately I've been really bad at little simple stuff. Forgetting things I should remember, correctly assessing a situation and responding accordingly, co-ordination and other stuff that I'm probably forgetting.
In the first situation, I had a big problem this weekend with forgetting small but essential bits needed for trying to get set up on my laptop. I wanted to do some writing this weekend and was updating windows with a new XP OS. However I forgot to bring along the code needed for registering it. But the fun didn't end there. I tried to input the files I brought along, saved on my phones backup flash drive. I put the card in but it didn't read. So I was upset again, and couldn't figure out why it didn't work. So I gave up on it. In the morning I realized I didn't put the save disk from my phone into the drive and thus was the reason it didn't work. I was really worked up about that.
In the second situation, I was having coffee at Highland Park when one of the staff trips and falls while coming up the steps. I just sat there and kept telling myself to get up and help, do something, anything. I didn't and felt stupid myself for doing nothing.
As for my co-ordination, I keep playing dominoes with everything. I'll brush up against something on a table or my desk and as I go to catch it, something else will get in the way and I'll knock that over and then something else. It really gets frustrating at times. I thought I was past that awkward stage in my life. Next thing you know, I'll be popping pimples again.
I'm not quite sure what's going on but lately I've been really bad at little simple stuff. Forgetting things I should remember, correctly assessing a situation and responding accordingly, co-ordination and other stuff that I'm probably forgetting.
In the first situation, I had a big problem this weekend with forgetting small but essential bits needed for trying to get set up on my laptop. I wanted to do some writing this weekend and was updating windows with a new XP OS. However I forgot to bring along the code needed for registering it. But the fun didn't end there. I tried to input the files I brought along, saved on my phones backup flash drive. I put the card in but it didn't read. So I was upset again, and couldn't figure out why it didn't work. So I gave up on it. In the morning I realized I didn't put the save disk from my phone into the drive and thus was the reason it didn't work. I was really worked up about that.
In the second situation, I was having coffee at Highland Park when one of the staff trips and falls while coming up the steps. I just sat there and kept telling myself to get up and help, do something, anything. I didn't and felt stupid myself for doing nothing.
As for my co-ordination, I keep playing dominoes with everything. I'll brush up against something on a table or my desk and as I go to catch it, something else will get in the way and I'll knock that over and then something else. It really gets frustrating at times. I thought I was past that awkward stage in my life. Next thing you know, I'll be popping pimples again.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Metro Market
My places - Lunchtime spots
One of the many places I like to visit during lunchtime at work. The produce is really great and the varieties are diverse. The only place I've ever found Dragon Fruit. The deli is well suited for anyone voracious with it's many selections of meats, cheeses and bakery items. It's essentially a Pick 'N' Save so I get to use my saver card there, and that adds to the appeal. The layout of the interior is unique and during lunchtime many attractive woman are also shopping.
Okay, I'm sure you must be thinking 'how droll to review a supermarket'. You may be right, but then again welcome to my 'adventurous' life.
One of the many places I like to visit during lunchtime at work. The produce is really great and the varieties are diverse. The only place I've ever found Dragon Fruit. The deli is well suited for anyone voracious with it's many selections of meats, cheeses and bakery items. It's essentially a Pick 'N' Save so I get to use my saver card there, and that adds to the appeal. The layout of the interior is unique and during lunchtime many attractive woman are also shopping.
Okay, I'm sure you must be thinking 'how droll to review a supermarket'. You may be right, but then again welcome to my 'adventurous' life.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Order Now, Operators Are Standing By

This may catch you off guard, but today I don’t plan on reviewing a TV show. Rather my focus is on the commercials in-between a recent show I watched. In an ongoing debate with my friend Brandon, we have been going over the pros and cons of television commercials. Whereas Brandon is in favour of commercials, I take another approach. Though I understand the need for commercials, and will admit there are a few I find funny, for the most part, I will not watch a commercial. Most of the TV I watch, is usually something I’ve recorded on my DVR (Digital Video Recorder), which means I’ve got the option to fast forward the commercials. While watching shows with Brandon, this discussion has come up time and time again. So, as is custom when I try to understand someone’s differing viewpoint than my own, I have tried to see things from his point of view. I shall attempt to judge for myself what I’ve been missing and share my findings with you. This is a random block of commercials, and may or may not be typical to what I normally bypass on the DVR. I’ll judge each commercial according to three standards, each with a rating of up to five; one being poor, five being great. Information, Entertainment Factor and General Interest are the three sections, and will be totalled together.
First up we have a car commercial. Elizabeth Baron is an employee of Ford and works in the virtual area. Putting people in cars which do not yet exist. Interesting concept, a job I never would have known about hadn’t I seen the commercial. A quick joke is made in regards to the gender of the virtual experience.
Information-3 Entertainment Factor-2 General Interest-2
Moving on to a more common item I shop for, we have an ad for Glad garbage bags. A pair of movers are attempting to raise a harnessed piano up to a second floor story. Unfortunately the rope snaps and the quick movers grab a Glad trash bag and hold it open as the piano drops, but not onto the outstretched bag, but rather to the side. Demonstrating the toughness of the piano, they begin to shove the shattered bits of the piano into the bag. Once finished, the movers are upstairs knocking on the tenant’s door. Once opened, they hold the overfilled (but held) bag of piano parts and ask where she wants the piano.
Information-1 Entertainment Factor-4 General Interest-3
Third commercial is for Home Depot, advertising outdoor furniture. It seems if you shop at Home Depot for outdoor furniture you can potentially have the coolest house on the block.
Information-1 Entertainment Factor-0 General Interest-2
In the market to purchase a new house? Then this commercial may be for you. A couple is looking for places to live and standing on the porch of one location, the Eiffel Tower can be seen in the distance. The wife tells her husband the house must be within driving distance of her mother. He doesn’t look to happy about it, but next scene they are standing outside once more, only this time the Seattle Space Needle is in the distance. Panning to a shot of the ground, an older woman is parked and waving up to the couple.
Information-2 Entertainment Factor-3 General Interest-2
I’m not a smoker, but if I were and wanted to quit I now know Nicoret Gum comes in 3 flavours. It sure does taste good to quit.
Information-1 Entertainment Factor-1 General Interest-0
If you have not eaten yet, I know a place open for business you can try. Outback Steakhouse has a catchy theme and sure does try to make you feel as though you are in for a real Outback experience. But what exactly is an Outback experience? And can I truly catch it at a local restaurant? FYI, I ate there once and was not impressed, but you don’t have take my word for it.
Information-2 Entertainment Factor-1 General Interest-3
Music may calm the savage beast, perhaps depending on the type of music one is enjoying. In a commercial for Ipod and Itunes, funky music is playing as dancers in shadow can be seen strutting their stuff amid vivid colour patters in the background. Get down tonight.
Information-2 Entertainment Factor-2 General Interest-3
The next two commercials were ads for shows on the network I was watching. To keep this review unbiased, I have decided against reviewing them. In total there were nine commercials during this random block, totalling roughly four minutes.
Final results:
Information-12/35 Entertainment Factor-13/35 General Interest-15/35
For the most part, I expect any show I watch to have at least an Entertainment Factor and General Interest of 30/35.
Conclusion: Commercials are substandard forms of entertainment and may not be as entertaining as the show you are watching. Unless the Information aspect is raised, and thusly the Entertainment and General Interest, I will have to hold to my original viewpoint and continue to fast forward commercials the next time I watch my DVR. Brandon, may I have my four minutes back?
Give Me Something To Eat
R.a.n.t. of week 05/18/08
Ever have a craving for something but don't know what? You know you want something, you know you are hungry, but for the life of you, you can't think what it might be. It can hit you any time of the day; breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack time. If you have never experienced this, it's probably hard to understand. You go to the fridge looking for something to eat, nothing looks good so you check the cupboard, nope nothing there either. Maybe you should go out and get something. But what, and where, and can you get anyone to go with you, or do you want them to? Pick something up, or dine in? Mexican, Chinese, fast food, grocery store? Where do you want to go, and what do you want to eat? You finally decide it's too much trouble and sit back down to resume whatever you were doing till five minutes later the craving hits again. Now what? Let me get back to you on that, I need to go to the fridge and see if there's anything good to eat.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Highland Park Pies & Cafe
My Places* - Restaurant Review
Looking for a great place for coffee in the morning? Highland Park is a beautiful place I discovered last year. It has a bed & breakfast type atmosphere and you are welcomed as you walk in the door. Sarah and crew really make you feel at home. I've found it to be a great way to start the day with a little coffee, breakfast pizza, or whatever freshly baked goody may interest you. Located about 41st and Highland; stop in and tell them Jeff sent you. They'll have no idea who I am, but feel free to do so anyway. ;)
*Not sure ultimately where I'm going with this feature. Initially I was thinking of doing a review of various coffee places, then thought why limit myself to that? How about expanding it to include any place I truly like to visit, shop or eat?
Looking for a great place for coffee in the morning? Highland Park is a beautiful place I discovered last year. It has a bed & breakfast type atmosphere and you are welcomed as you walk in the door. Sarah and crew really make you feel at home. I've found it to be a great way to start the day with a little coffee, breakfast pizza, or whatever freshly baked goody may interest you. Located about 41st and Highland; stop in and tell them Jeff sent you. They'll have no idea who I am, but feel free to do so anyway. ;)
*Not sure ultimately where I'm going with this feature. Initially I was thinking of doing a review of various coffee places, then thought why limit myself to that? How about expanding it to include any place I truly like to visit, shop or eat?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Beer Store
Picture Review
Everyone does reviews on music, TV, films, books, but not many picture reviews. Here is my contribution.
Today's entry comes from Mr. O'Brien of New Guinness. Troubled with thoughts of selling his liquor store, he decided to take one final look before heading to the local Realtor's office. You can imagine his surprise when this was the view that greeted him. Quickly taking a picture and sending it in, we see he almost made the biggest mistake of his life. Mr. O'Brien has decided not to sell. Great decision O'Brien, and close call!
Everyone does reviews on music, TV, films, books, but not many picture reviews. Here is my contribution.
Today's entry comes from Mr. O'Brien of New Guinness. Troubled with thoughts of selling his liquor store, he decided to take one final look before heading to the local Realtor's office. You can imagine his surprise when this was the view that greeted him. Quickly taking a picture and sending it in, we see he almost made the biggest mistake of his life. Mr. O'Brien has decided not to sell. Great decision O'Brien, and close call!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Armadillo Walkers
R.a.n.t. of week 05/11/08
I seem to have a number of rants involving myself in a car and other drivers. Today's rant is directed outside the car, towards armadillo walkers. What is an armadillo walker you may ask? I'm glad you asked. You see an armadillo has a reputation for jumping in front of cars, ending up as road-kill. An armadillo walker is what I call a pedestrian that, despite seeing you, continues to walk into the road. Timing it so they pass the intersection just a second after a driver has passed. I call them armadillo walkers because of the frequency this seems to happen, not to mention if they were armadillo's they'd likely jump in front of the car, thus ending up as road-kill. Is it really that hard to wait for a car to pass before you begin crossing the street? Is someone in that much of a hurry they can't spare the extra second or two? If these people want to do that, fine, that's up to them. I'm just worried for their sanity at times. What if I were distracted and swerved my car, or just veered slightly more than they might expect. Realistically, it would be my fault for inattentive driving, but I can proudly say I have never hit an armadillo walker as yet. But the gumption of these people is unnerving to no end, why do they do it? I guess the age old joke should be reformatted. Why did the armadillo cross the road? Because it was impatient? Feel free to let me know if you ever get an answer to that one, because I'm still searching.
*Slightly revised 09/20/12

*Slightly revised 09/20/12
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