Sunday, May 12, 2013

Going It Alone

R.a.n.t. of week 05/12/13
Sometimes it's nice to be by yourself. No one to answer to, no one telling you what to do, no one you have to share your chocolate cake and milk with. But there are times, it's not so great. One small example would be when you have a bad back and really need a back rub. Sometimes a back-rub can be a somewhat magical thing. Instantly making you feel better physically, and putting you in a better mood. But missing out on that is nothing compared to the other negative aspect of going everything alone. I.E., having to deal with painful incidents in your life and you have no one to help build you up, console you or 'be there for you'. Well, I mean unless you want to go external. The internet and smart phones make all our best friends and family quickly within reach. But whose there for you on a regular basis when you go everything alone? When you hear about a friend who has died, who is there to grieve with you? When you are dealing with a father who is dying, who is there to console you? The answer, no one. Not unless, as I stated before, you reach out and schedule a time to be with some of your friends. And ultimately, when you are down, who really wants to schedule a time with someone, just so you can cry on their shoulder, cry in their beer, or knock their milk over and cry about that?


  1. It's very true. When it comes down to it all we have our ourselves. To depend on and to look for hope and consolation. That's why I think it's important for us to really discover and know who we are. It creates for us an invaluable foundation on which to stand when life gets stormy.

    Would love your thoughts on my recent post if you get a chance. : )

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment.
      We can be surrounded by friends and family, and yet still be lonely or alone. Mostly because we don't have a 'one and only' in our personal lives.

      If that makes sense.

  2. Ah, the beauty of my coffee shop. Where we all meet 6 (some do 7) times a week just to pass the time. Sometimes profound, sometimes inane, all usually loud...
    Or, my synagogue, where we meet each morning- sometimes for 41 minutes, but closer to 4 on Saturday (when we also eat together)...
    That's the groups to find and maintain.

    1. I have my circle of friends and family. We get together quite frequently. But there are still many times alone, usually in the quiet of the night, when the solitude is intolerable.
      Not always, but sometimes.

  3. So true! It is rare to find the friend who calls to check on you these days. Sigh. :-/

    1. Yea, another rant for another time. People who don't respond.
