Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Autumn Leaf

Oh autumn leaf
in your splendour grand.
Your life is short
but very precious.
You bring colour to my
life in your darkest hour.
With brilliant shades of
green, gold, red & brown.
In the height of your
glory I do awe.
Then down, down, down,
the end of your existence.

Originally published 03/18/09

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Martha Berner - Recording of Brew City Bands

Martha Berner performing solo for Brew City Bands.

This was the first time I heard Martha's music. Really liked what I heard.

Martha not only plays the guitar but the harmonica too. She's very talented.

You can tell she really puts her heart and soul into her music.

I was able to take a quick candid photo before the interview.

Cindy Huber interviewing Martha for Brew City Bands.

If you'd like to learn more about Martha Berner, find her here: Martha Berner

Also look for my review of 'Fools Fantasy', her excellent new CD.