Saturday, January 31, 2015

Out For A Drive


I decided to go for an impromptu drive and see where it led me.
My first stop was in Kenosha.

One of the first things I noticed after stopping was this trolley. Interesting.

The main reason I stopped, I noticed a dinosaur museum. How could I not stop?

I'm terrified looking at this impressive beast, and he's long since dead.

So many dinosaur bones in this exhibit. No wonder dogs are not allowed inside.

One last display in the main hall. He looks hungry and angry.

Downstairs display shows fossils being cleaned and catalogued.

Another look at the dinosaur lab. Cool!


Continuing my drive, I end up in Chicago. This is a shot inside a cool music store called the Exchange. Found it on Milwaukee Ave.

This is the Wormhole. A very popular coffee cafe. It's Science Fiction themed. You'll notice a Delorean hanging on the wall in back.

It was a nice drive and a good excursion for the day. I followed route 32 till I hit Illinois. I think next time I'm going to head North instead of South and see where that leads me.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Something Borrowed

Don't steal my heart,
and then give it back.

Or take it away,
if that is your knack,

just for awhile
when you are bored.

Pretending as if
I am something adored.

Don't borrow my heart
and then run and hide.

I'm not into games
and I have my pride.

If you want my heart,
I'm willing to share.

Just promise me now
that you'll always be there.

J.A. Scott

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Your Video Is Overdue

R.a.n.t. of week 01/25/15
How many people remember being terrified by those opening words? We live in a day and age where this phrase is seldom said any more. Before youtube, netflix and other digital streaming were popular, the majority of us went to the local Blockbuster Video (or something similar) and rented films. Do you recall the last time you were in a video rental place? Where you kind, and did you rewind? What was the last movie you remember returning late? The fright wasn't only having to pay late fees, but also being charged for the entire video if it was not returned, or even losing your membership! GASP! That's not much a problem any more, I mean having to return videos. Well, not unless you borrow them from a friend.

There we are! The point of this r.a.n.t. When things borrowed are never returned. For me, it's primarily videos or CD's. I always do this. lend someone a video and forget about it. Then when I'm looking for it, can't find it. By then, I've forgotten who I've lent it to. I have to admit, I've borrowed a set of DVD's from a friend before and forgotten about them. About a year ago I borrowed a humorous set of DVD's and when getting home sat them down on my desk to watch later. About four months later the DVD's were still sitting, waiting to be watched. It bothered me so much, I actually pencilled in a time to watch them so I could return them. Once I finished watching them, they sat another few months because I would always forget to grab them when I went by the friends house. So the next question I have. But I never forgot who I borrowed them from. And I did return them. When I gave them back, I was told, "I forgot about those. I would have wondered where they went if I had wanted to watch them." So, what are your thoughts on having a sign-out sheet for things you lend people?

Recently, I've started cataloguing all my CD's. Because I have so many, it would be easy to lose track of them if I were to ever lend them out. I'm about ready to do this with my videos. At any given time, I've got several things out with various friends. Up to a few months ago in just my Doctor Who collection I had several out with different friends. As most people know, I'm very partial to my Dr. Who collection so losing track of who had what was not a possibility. I'm happy to report, my Doctor Who collection is once again complete. But I have noticed other DVD sets missing. I know I've lent them out, but to who? To be honest, I don't recall. The Office, 30 Rock, Survivor, Doctor Who; just a few of the items I've lent out most often. Some, are still missing and I'd like to get them back at some point. Perhaps I should require people to sign up for a Jeffrey Scott Video membership card. I won't ask you to rewind, and I won't charge late fees. Wow! what a difference!

Enjoy a few nostalgic Blockbuster Video Commercials.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Gift

It says I have
a little gift.
A music CD?
Taylor Swift?

Or perhaps,
a book of Troy?
Concert tickets?
Nerdy Toy?

Hoping that
it's something fun.
Or a cash prize
I have won.

Open now,
what do I see?
Words on paper,
A bap recipe.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Free Gift Inside!

R.a.n.t. of week 01/18/15
Did that get your attention? It usually catches mine. Who wouldn't want a free gift? Well, I suppose it depends on what the gift is. One of the magazines I'm subscribed too, (Weight Watchers), from time to time sends a renewal letter with a "free gift" inside. The 'gift' invariably turns out to be a recipe for some dish I'm unlikely to try. Oh, a few have interested me, don't get me wrong. But it's hardly a gift I start jumping up and down about. Is this a gift I can re-gift to someone else? Perhaps a White Elephant gift?

This time of the year I also get a lot of emails from businesses, (mostly restaurants), with exciting news they are sending me a gift. This time the 'gift' turns out to be something along the lines of a free entrée or dinner with the purchase of another meal. Can you say coupon? Good, I knew you could. Now, let's not get carried away. When I receive these email and snail mails I'm not expecting to open them up and finding £100 inside, a Tardis keychain or a message from Diana Krall inviting me out for dinner. No, I don't expect that. I expect exactly what I find. So essentially, this r.a.n.t. involves the false promise or false expectation of receiving something I'm going to enjoy.

Still, a gift is a gift and one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Unless you're from Troy. Then you might want to inspect the gift before you bring it into your city. Talk about a free gift inside!!!

Bap Recipe Below!*

Serves: 10
400g (14 oz) bread flour
3 tablespoons caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons dried milk powder
225ml (8 fl oz) warm water (45 C)
2 tablespoons butter, softened
7g (1/4 oz) dried active baking yeast
1 egg white
2 tablespoons water

Prep:1hr20min › Cook:15min › Ready in:1hr35min

Place the bread flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, water, butter, and yeast in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Set on Dough cycle; press Start.

Remove risen dough from the machine, punch down and turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces, and form into rounds. Place the rounds on lightly greased baking trays. Cover with a damp cloth, and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180 C / Gas mark 4.

In a small bowl, mix together the egg white and 2 tablespoons water; brush lightly onto the baps. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, or until the baps are golden brown.

*Free recipe stolen from:

Friday, January 16, 2015


Dinner -
Party -
An evening plan.

Prep the food,
Buy the wine,
Make a list.

Respond -
Please -

Be on time,
Kiss the host,

- Jenni Long

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jenni Long is a writer and editor
of the Canadian children's magazine
'Fille Forte'. That being said, her
thoughts do not necessarily reflect
those of myself.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Into the Future

I went to visit
a future time.
With retro shops
and not much crime.

I could quickly
prepare my food.
A six second pizza
for a hungry mood.

A calming ride
though stressed with loads.
But where I go,
I won't need roads.

Floating free in
that day and age.
'cause hover tech
is all the rage.

I bought a gift
with a quick thumb scan.
A sports stat book
and a simple plan.

But then was told
that would be wrong.
Future knowledge
where it doesn't belong.

So heading home
the Deloreon flew.
Hoping the time-line
wouldn't skew.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

R.a.n.t. of week 01/11/15
To come or not to come? That is the question for this week. When invited to a friends house for dinner (or other function), do you accept? And if so, what are the reasons for you to not accept? For me, it's usually dependant on whether I have previous plans or not. In some cases, I'm just not in the mood. To some degree, it might have something to do with whose inviting me and who I'll likely encounter there. If it's a very close friend, I know who they associate with and will be more likely to go. If it's a lesser known friend, I may be hesitant. But that doesn't mean I'm going to exclude myself right out. So the next question arises, "Who's all coming?" The problem is, is this a question you want to ask the host? And if so, when? I thought about answering these questions myself, but then I remember I have a friend who writes for a magazine that addresses a lot of these questions for young girls. So I decided to Skype her and ask a few questions. Below is the transcribed conversation we had. It's only been amended slightly.

Jeffrey Scott: "How are things in Canada?"

Jenni Long: "Cold"

JS: "But you're personality warms everyone up, right?"

JL: "Uh huh" (Looks impatient, I decide to get to the point)

JS: "This week I'm writing an article..."

JL: "In your blog."

JS: "..... Yes. I'm writing an article on my blog having to deal with etiquette and I thought this was right up your alley. Do you have your bowling ball handy?" (Failed attempt at a joke. She ignores it, per usual.)

JL: "So what's the question? I don't have a lot of time."

JS: "Is it taboo to ask the host of a party you are invited to, who's coming?"

JL: "It depends. Are they asking before or after they have accepted or declined?"

JS: "Does it make a difference?"

JL: "Yes, as does the reason they are asking. There might be a good reason they are asking. If they want to know who's coming after they have accepted, they may be wanting to know in case they want to car-pool. Or they may want to avoid mentioning the party to others who are not invited. If they ask the question after declining, they may also be wondering so they don't mention the party in front of others. Generally, it's a good idea to let your guests know who's coming, for whatever reason they might have. Does that answer your question?"

JS: "Sort of, but you also said the reason may be different if they are asking before they accept or decline. That's primarily what I'm curious about. Are they basing their decision to come depending on who's coming to the party? And if so, what are your thoughts on that? I'd feel slighted if a person were to decide not to come after they found out who was coming. As if my companionship isn't enough motivation for them to come."

JL: "Again, the person may be asking before they accept fearing someone may be there they don't want to run into. I can understand why you might feel the way you do, but ultimately, they are looking out for themselves and if they decide not to come, they are the ones missing out. So I can understand why they might ask that before they decide to accept or decline. But for the record, and I don't believe I'm going to say this, I agree with you. It's poor taste to ask someone who's coming before they decide to accept. If they feel uncomfortable later, they can politely call and excuse themselves."

JS: "Okay, thanks for answering the question for me."

JL: "Let me know how the blog post goes."

JS: "Feel free to check it out. Remember, you are always welcome to write another guest article for the blog."

JL: "I'll keep that in mind. Well, I gotta go. Have some more editing to do on the latest edition of the magazine. We have a new writer, so that means I have a lot of work to do."

JS: "Well, have fun with that. Talk to you later."

(Insert weird noise Scype makes when someone hangs up on you).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jenni Long is a writer and editor
of the Canadian children's magazine
'Fille Forte'. That being said, her
thoughts do not necessarily reflect
those of myself.