This is Moonie, he's an entertaining, juggling, tightrope walking acrobat. Occasionally he plays with fire (in more ways than one).

He really doesn't need it, but sometimes he works with others. For example this beautiful trio, and Adam - a whip master; he's also good at throwing knifes.

This time Moonie is joined by Gypsy Geoff. He's a juggling specialist. Between the both of them, juggling knives is second nature. Doing so while trying to maintain their balance? That's taking it a step up.

Acrobatics must be rough enough, but in 90° weather such as the day this photo was taken? That takes some dedication. Keep up the great work girls!

Geoff hold a set of leaves in his mouth as Moonie juggles from behind him. As this is going on, Adam cracks each leaf off of the branch with his whip.

In front of the board Adam uses for his knife throwing, Moonie clowns around and pretends Adam has just finished throwing them while he was in front of the board.

Everyone has their special skill, one of Geoff's is hamming it up. He does a fantastic job pretending the knives were just thrown at him.
During the day, Moonie puts on a fantastic show. At the end of the day he improvises with his friends. Some of the things they try work, some don't. Either way it's always entertaining.

Once more, the girls helping the Moonie show. They are HOT! As I mentioned before, it was 90° out, so everyone was HOT.