Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ren Fair 2007

Before I got the camera I now have, I used a much cheaper camera. Still, I can't say these pictures are awful. Just a few photos from when I visited the Ren Fair in 2007.

As always, must begin the set with the entrance.

I like to wait till after noon, but beer and food must be purchased. 
This is one of the cool buildings this can be accomplished at.

I love that we can get 'hands on' experience when examining a few medieval type weapons.

Towards the early evening, there is a 'parade' of the shops and performers. 
Most are more than eager to 'ham it up' for the photographers.

Not sure how accurate this performer is to times in medieval England. 
But then again, is anything here?

One of my favourite street performers from years past; Sarah Mullen. 
Her harp music is very good.

The day has come to an end. Guests are bid farewell as they leave.